IAC Approved Devices

AusPayNet / Cards and Devices / Approved Devices / SECURITY CONTROL MODULES

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These Security Control Modules have been granted an approval period of three years from the date they were approved by the AusPayNet Evaluation Review Sub-Committee. The following conditions apply to all approved Security Control Modules:

  • Any SCM functions not approved under Volume 4 Device Requirements and Cryptographic Management Clause 2.4.10 of the IAC Code Set must be disabled.
  • Procedures must be in place to ensure that a device is under dual control at all times whenever it is in a sensitive state.
  • Deployment and management of the device must be in accordance with Volume 3 Acquirer Requirements Clause 3.3.3 of the IAC Code Set.
  • Any Remote Management Solution intended for use with an approved SCM must also be listed here as approved for use within the IAC, having been evaluated against the criteria set out in the IAC Code Set Volume 4 Device Requirements and Cryptographic Management Clause 2.4
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